Έλλης 1 - Δάφνη, Αθήνα ΤΚ 17235
Δευτέρα - Παρασκευή: 9:00 - 17:00

Annual Register 2021 header


ΤΙΤΛΟΣ:    NATO can provide collective defense, but can it secure a liberal international order as well? 
ΟΜΙΛΗΤΗΣ:   Jamie Shea CMG, visiting Professor of Strategy and Security of the Strategy and Security Institute, University of Exeter, United Kingdom and member of the Group of Strategic Advisors of the NATO Special Operations Forces Command at SHAPE in Belgium.
ΠΟΤΕ:   ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 18 ΝΟΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ - 20.30 ώρα Ελλάδος, (18:30 GMT)
ΓIA ΕΓΓΡΑΦΗ:   Πατήσετε το κουμπί «Save your seat today» στην παρακάτω πρόσκληση και ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες.


Join us for a special lecture with NATO security and strategic expert, Jamie Shea White list instructions here.
Annual Register Lecture 2020

Edmund Burke Webinar: NATO can provide collective defense, but can it secure a liberal international order as well?

Thursday 18th November - 6.30pm GMT. Free to join

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We are excited to invite you to the annual "Edmund Burke" Lecture 2021 with keynote speaker Jamie Shea CMG, visiting Professor of Strategy and Security of the Strategy and Security Institute, University of Exeter, United Kingdom and member of the Group of Strategic Advisors of the NATO Special Operations Forces Command at SHAPE in Belgium. 
What is this year's lecture about?
Faced once again with a clear and present danger, NATO has put the emphasis on increased defence spending, weapons modernisation, contingency defence plans and major readiness exercises. However, defusing crises also requires arms control agreements, regular and effective dialogue with adversaries, building strong partnerships across the globe and regulating dangerous new and disruptive technologies in hypersonic missiles, cyberspace, synthetic biology, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, robotics and space. 
The security of the west has relied on these norms, confidence building arrangements and treaties as much as on its military and technological edge. Yet these norms are most lacking today. The topic of this conversation will focus on whether NATO can regain its traditional role as a promoter of cooperative security in an age of mounting geo-political rivalry and arms races – and how?
About the keynote speaker

Prior to joining the University of Exeter, Jamie Shea was an international public servant and a member of the International Staff of NATO for 38 years. He was NATO Spokesman, Director of Policy Planning and, in his last post, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges. Outside NATO, Jamie has been involved with several prominent academic institutions, including the College of Europe, Bruges, the University of Sussex and American University in Washington DC.  Jamie is a Senior Transatlantic Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and a Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics, where he teaches a course on crisis management and political communication. 
Among his many honours, Jamie Shea has been awarded two honorary doctorates, is a recipient of the NATO medal for Meritorious Service, and Companion of St. Michael and St. George for services to NATO and diplomacy.
Join us on 18th November
Can’t attend live? You should still register! We’ll send out the recording after the webinar to all registrants. 
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