Scientific databases are organized digital collections of published scientific, academic, or professional-level literature, including journal and newspaper articles, conference and report proceedings, government and legal publications, patents, books, statistics, etc. They can also incorporate tools as well as audiovisual content.
A database can cover a wide range of topics or a specific field such as computer science, health sciences, chemistry, mathematics, economics, law, entrepreneurship, etc.
The content of databases distributed by INTEROPTICS is for use by the scientific community (academics, researchers, students). The data is available over the Internet, hosted on controlled access servers and incorporating extremely user-friendly but powerful search software.
The vast majority of databases are available in the form of licensed annual subscriptions. A subscription includes updates to each title in the content, the frequency of which varies from daily to annual, depending on the title. Archival collections are also available for one-time purchase, for access by the buyer in perpetuity.
What is the distribution right of INTEROPTICS?
INTEROPTICS, as a distribution company, has the right (arising from official contracts with various publishers or aggregators) to promote these products in the markets of Greece and Cyprus. INTEROPTICS, in no case has the right to intervene in the content, software, and the final product as they are formulated by their electronic publishers / creators.
We work with dozens of publishers and providers, most notably Clarivate Analytics (Clarivate Analytics, ProQuest, ExLibris, Alexander Street Press), Elsevier, OCLC, OECD, Jove, Thomson Reuters Legal, Gale Cengage Company, Ovid Technologies, Merative, Statista, CABI Publishing, Springer, SIAM Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, etc. covering the wide range of scientific disciplines.
Proof of the high quality of our services is the ISO 9001: 2015 certification for "database marketing". Level 9001 reflects the standards of maximum quality management and covers all basic business processes. This certification also makes clear our ability to provide customers and publishers with the fast, reliable and efficient services they expect from us.
For more information and to discuss your needs, please contact us at: or