1 Ellis Str. - Dafni, Athens PO 17235
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00


SoundEar helps companies worldwide reduce noise at work. SoundEar has 20 years of experience in the noise monitoring industry, not only measuring noise, but also visualizing noise.

Creating awareness about noise is the first step towards making a change, and the best way to create awareness about noise, is to visualize it.

Noise in hospitals is an issue for both patients and staff. Reducing noise levels by just a few decibels can have a tremendous effect.

The SoundEar features that are most often highlighted by customers are:

  • Visualizes noise in the patient rooms, making everyone aware that they need to keep the volume down
  • Receiving automated noise reports before or after a shift, directly in email
  • Ability to compare and analyze noise levels over time in the software
  • Monitoring noise levels from multiple patient rooms at once
  • Very easy to use

Everyone instinctively know how to react when the SoundEar flashes red