TURNITIN: Turnitin is used by 15,000+ institutions, 1.6 million instructors and 26 million students worldwide. Turnitin's vast database compares student work to: 70+ billion web pages, 1+ billion student papers, 150+ million academic textbooks and publications in collaboration with the world's largest publishers. Turnitin is more than just the world's leading anti-plagiarism software. In addition to the growing need for academic integrity, it is also imperative to improve the students’ writing skills. To meet this need, Turnitin enables the teacher to comment and grade students' work online, using a series of smart tools. It also integrates with various Learning Management Systems such as Moodle, Blackboard, Open Eclass, etc.
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ITHENTICATE: iThenticate is the leading provider of professional detection and prevention of plagiarism used worldwide. Using iThenticate, scientific publishers and research institutes ensure the authenticity of their scientific work prior to publication. It is noteworthy that 1 in 3 scientific journals uses iThenticate. Leading international publishers such as Elsevier, IEE, Nature, ProQuest, Wiley-Blackwell etc. collaborate with iThenticate.
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